Reparation Thoughts

…By His wounds we are healed

Volume XXIII, Number 2

Dear Donnès of Reparation, Family and Friends,

We have celebrated wonderful feasts in this transition to a new year. These honored events encircled a large spectrum in the Life of Christ and consequently the life of the Church. We are so richly blessed with this deep treasure of faith to guide us each day. It is not likened to earthly wealth, but rather, the richness that fills mind, heart, soul, spirit, and every facet encircling humanity. Through such celebrations we receive gifts that bring purpose and strength to everything we do. We are enriched with grace to fight anything that may be harmful to our spiritual growth. It is true wealth that generates joy!

When one discovers this integral gift of “Joy”, there is great happiness and hope and purpose in the endurance of life’s burdens, sorrows, and pain. Yet, this is not nearly as uplifting and elevating as the joy of spirit that is yet to come---a gift that moves one into a higher elevation, a level of the Kingdom of God unlike any other.

I have witnessed this “raising to higher portions of joy” and I know that there is much more awaiting around each bend in the road. A kaleidoscope of joyful flowing fountains will brighten our years ahead that will arise from patient endurance and the willingness of spirit to be open to all that God has in store for us. Joy brings one to a depth of love so often hidden from one’s inability to see God in all things.

We say, “God is everywhere”, but how do we go about finding Him in every aspect of our life? Reparational joy is one key to this success as we center our purpose for everything upon Him.

As we move forward let us take those disappointments and offer them as gifts to the Lord. This is a form of reparational love. Think of it! If you are disappointed by a family member no longer attending church, do you think God would be pleased? Offer your disappointment as a form of reparation prayer to comfort the Lord. If you get upset because family members are feuding, offer some small sacrifice to help heal the relationship and do your best not to add flame to the fire. If you are constantly enduring pain, do what you can to naturally alleviate it, then give the rest as an offering to the Lord for our many sins against Him. As much as we love the Lord, there is always more fervent love that we can offer Him. Pray and work for His great honor! 

Reparation is our hope because it keeps God as the center of everything we do. It is a secret to obtain peace and joy! Jesus and his Mother each gave outstanding witness of reparation and have called us to follow. Let us strive to imitate their example and do our best to walk in the footsteps of the Saints.

Mother Mary of the Angels, SR

January 2024

 Sisters of Reparation of the Sacred Wounds of Jesus 2120 SE 24th Ave, Portland, OR 97214-5504  503-236-4207

This publication is made possible by the generosity of Donnès of Reparation


Reparation Thoughts


Reparation Thoughts Volume XXIII, Number 1