Reparation Thoughts

Volume XXII, No. 3

Dear Donnès of Reparation, Family and Friends,

The days of Lent have arrived! It is time set aside or put into place practices that will help us to grow in our spiritual life, strive to greater holiness, and constrain ourselves so that we will grow in our love for God and all that leads to eternal life.

For some, forty days of Lent seems to be a long time.  I must say, however, that in my years as a Sister of Reparation the time flies quite quickly and I never feel that I have done enough to return an offering back to God for His incredible graciousness, mercy and generosity to us.

In listening to people’s conversations and goals, special prayers like the Stations of the Cross are planned; or intensifying the reading of the Word of God; fasting and abstinence on Fridays, of course. 

Many people seem to center upon restrictions within their diet like refraining from eating candy or gum or soft drinks. You know, something they really enjoy and can offer as a sacrifice. I know many who will try to attend Mass during the week in addition to their Sunday obligation.

One invalid I visited said that he was just going to find greater peace in his day. He would try to appreciate everything his wife did to make his body comfortable and his mind clearer. Another told me that she would try to dwell less on her limitations and complain less.

There are booklets to guide one through the Lenten days if you engage in reading them each day.  One child told me that he was not going to hit his sister during Lent. Another, promised to put all of her dirty clothes in the “basket” instead of leaving them on the floor. What a blessing it could be if we continue some of these practices in the post-Lenten days!

While we are placing our plans into form, we need to recollect upon the purpose of the action. Will it truly help us on our spiritual journey; and how faithful will we be in maintaining through the forty days? Am I going to become closer in my relationship with God through this journey?

Whatever your goal this Spiritual Recipe of Marie Rose Ferron, our Spiritual Inspiration, may be of help: O my Good Jesus, I am Your forever! Grind up all your sufferings in the mill of patience and silence; mix them with the balm of the Passion of the Savior; make them into a small pill and swallow it with faith and love and the fire of charity will digest it.” 

Let us meet regularly before the warmth and intense love of the Most Blessed Sacrament!

                                                                         Mother Mary of the Angels, SR Lent 2023


Reparation Thoughts Volume XXIII, Number 1